Kaspersky internet security All Features: Essential Protection: * Protects from viruses, Trojans and worms * Blocks spyware and adware * Scans files in real time (on access) and on demand * Scans email messages (regardless of email client) * Scans internet traffic (regardless of browser) * Protects instant messengers (ICQ, MSN) * Provides proactive protection from unknown threats * Scans Java and Visual Basic scripts Extended Protection: * Two-way personal firewall * Safe Wi-Fi and VPN connections * Intrusion prevention system * Intelligent application management and control o automatically configured application rules o security rating is assigned to unknown applications o access to the user’s resources and data is restricted for unknown applications Preventive Protection: * Scans operating system and installed applications for vulnerabilities * Analyzes and closes internet Explorer vulnerabilities * Disables links to malware sites * Detects viruses based on the packers used to compress code * Global threat monitoring (Kaspersky security Network) Advanced Protection & Recovery: * The program can be installed on infected computers * Self-protection from being disabled or stopped * Restores correct system settings after removing malicious software * Tools for creating a rescue disk Data & Identity Theft Protection: * Disables links to fake (phishing) websites * Blocks all types of keyloggers * Virtual keyboard is provided for safely entering logins and passwords * Prevents the theft of data exchanged via secure connections (HTTPS / SSL) * Blocks unauthorized dial-up connections * Cleans up any traces of user activity (deletes temporary files, cookies etc.) Content Filtering: * Parental control * Improved antispam protection (plugins for Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, The Bat!, Thunderbird) * Blocks banners on web pages Usability: * Automatic configuration during installation * Wizards for common tasks * Visual reports with charts and diagrams * Alerts provide all the information necessary for informed user decisions * Automatic or interactive mode * Round-the-clock Technical support * Automatic database updates