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قديم 16 - 2 - 2020, 01:48 PM   #1

صعب المنال
خجلي موهوب
افتراضي برزنتيشن بالانجليزي بوربوينت

موضوع برزنتيشن بالانجليزي بوربوينت


Hello, how are you today; hope you feeling good… my name is…. and today I will talk in my presentation about Benefits of yoga, I hope you will like it. And if you have any questions please do not be shy; I will answer your questions with all pleasure.

Maintaining a regular yoga practice can provide physical and mental health benefits
Learn about the different types of yoga and how it can be used as a tool to help you stay healthy.
Like yoga, the osteopathic approach to wellness focuses on your body’s natural tendency toward health and self-healing.
“The purpose of yoga is to build strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body,” explains Natalie Nevins, DO, a board-certified osteopathic family physician and certified Kundalini Yoga instructor in Hollywood, California.
While there are more than 100 different types, or schools, of yoga, most sessions typically include breathing exercises, meditation, and assuming postures (sometimes called asana or poses) that stretch and flex various muscle groups.
“As an osteopathic physician, I focus a lot of my efforts on preventive medicine and practices, and in the body’s ability to heal itself,” says Dr. Nevins. “Yoga is a great tool for staying healthy because it’s based on similar principles.”
Is group exercise more beneficial than working out alone?
Find out on DoctorsThatDO.org
Beginners welcome
Because there are so many different kinds of yoga practices, it is possible for anyone to start. “Whether you’re a couch potato or a professional athlete, size and fitness levels do not matter because there are modifications for every yoga pose and beginner classes in every style,” says Dr. Nevins. “The idea is to explore your limits, not strive for some pretzel-like perfection. It is a great way to get in tune with your body and your inner self.”​
Physical benefits
“The relaxation techniques incorporated in yoga can lessen chronic pain, such as lower back pain, arthritis, headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome,” explains Dr. Nevins. “Yoga can also lower blood pressure and reduce insomnia.”

Now I have come to the end of my presentation
.I hope you enjoyed it
Well,I am all ears for your question
?Now, do you have any question
.Thank you for listening to me
عرض تقديمي عن تاريخ التلفاز


Hello, how are you today; hope you feeling good… my name is…. and today I will talk in my presentation about The history of television, I hope you will like it. And if you have any questions please do not be shy; I will answer your questions with all pleasure.

Mechanical Televisions in the 1800s and Early 1900s
Prior to electric televisions, we had mechanical televisions.
These early televisions started appearing in the early 1800s. They involved mechanically scanning images then transmitting those images onto a screen. Compared to electronic televisions, they were extremely rudimentary.
One of the first mechanical televisions used a rotating disk with holes arranged in a spiral pattern. This device was created independently by two inventors: Scottish inventor John Logie Baird and American inventor Charles Francis Jenkins. Both devices were invented in the early 1920s.
Prior to these two inventors, German inventor Paul Gottlieb Nipkow had developed the first mechanical television. That device sent images through wires using a rotating metal disk. Instead of calling the device a television, however, Nipkow called it an “electric telescope”. The device had 18 lines of resolution.
In 1907, two inventors – Russian Boris Rosing and English A.A. Campbell-Swinton – combined a cathode ray tube with a mechanical scanning system to create a totally new television system.
Ultimately, the early efforts of these inventors would lead to the world’s first electrical television a few years later.
The First Electronic Television was Invented in 1927
The world’s first electronic television was created by a 21 year old inventor named Philo Taylor Farnsworth. That inventor lived in a house without electricity until he was age 14. Starting in high school, he began to think of a system that could capture moving images, transform those images into code, then move those images along radio waves to different devices.

Farnsworth was miles ahead of any mechanical television system invented to-date. Farnsworth’s system captured moving images using a beam of electrons (basically, a primitive camera).
The first image ever transmitted by television was a simple line. Later, Farnsworth would famously transmit a dollar sign using his television after a prospective investor asked “When are we going to see some dollars in this thing, Farnsworth?”
Between 1926 and 1931, mechanical television inventors continued to tweak and test their creations. However, they were all doomed to be obsolete in comparison to modern electrical televisions: by 1934, all TVs had been converted into the electronic system.
Understandably, all early television systems transmitted footage in black and white. Color TV, however, was first theorized way back in 1904 – something we’ll talk about later on.

Now I have come to the end of my presentation
.I hope you enjoyed it
Well,I am all ears for your question
?Now, do you have any question
.Thank you for listening to me

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