متابعين خجلي على تويتر

متابعين خجلي على الفيسبوك


العودة   منتديات خجلي > مراحل التعليم - تعليم عالي - تعليم اللغات - البحث العلمي > المرحلة الثانوية

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 3 - 11 - 2012, 08:58 PM   #1

خجلي جديد
افتراضي ممكن ضروري حل الاسئلة قبل يوم الاثنين للاهمية

cycle = a series of events repeated many times in the same order.
evaporate (v) = to change into gas
evaporation (n)
heat = being hot

 Choose the correct words from those in brackets:

1- Two-thirds is a ( fraction –number –letter ).
2- To get better flavour, add some (sky –salt –cycle ) to your food..
3- When a liquid changes into gas. It ( melts –flies –evaporates ).

 Answer the following questions:
1- What is the difference between fresh water and salt water?
2- What is water used for?

Unit : 1 Lesson: 2

Percentage Fractions
10 % = ten percent
30 % = thirty percent
45 % = forty five percent
100 % = one hundred percent
73 % = seventy three percent
86.5 % = eighty six point five
1/2 = a half , one-half
1/3 = a third , one-third
1/4 = a quarter , one-quarter
1/5 = a fifth , one-fifth
2/6 = two-sixths
3/4 = three quarters
4/7 = four-sevenths

 Complete the following :
 Mona and Amal are talking about the importance of water.
Amal: Mona, What do you know about water ?
Mona: It is the secret of ……………………….
Amal: Aha, can you tell me where we get it from ?
Mona: ………….…………….., ………………,……………… and ……………
Amal: Ok. What is it used for?
Mona: …………….…………………, ………………….. and …………………
Amal: Do you think water is precious ?!
Mona: …………. ……………….. We cannot live without it.

 Huda and Nouf are talking about the water cycle.
Huda: Excuse me Nouf, can you tell me about the water cycle?
Nouf: Yes, ……………………….
Huda: What happens when the sun shines on the sea?
Nouf: When the sun shines on the sea, ………………………………….
Huda: ………………. ……………………….?
Nouf: It is called evaporation.
Huda: What happens when………………………… ………………..?
Nouf: Rain falls when the clouds become heavy.
Huda: Thank you.
Nouf: ………………………………….

Unit : 1 Lesson: 3

Helping Verb vs. Main verb

 Classify the underlined verbs into HV and MV:

The sentence HV MV
1- How many books does he read ? 2- When was she born ?
3- What is the first day of the week?
4- Will you be ready at 6:00 ?
5- Why were they happy ?

U:1 L:3

Forming Questions

Q word Helping verb S Main verb + ……?
When did they leave ?
Why is he caught by the police?
What does she read ?

 Ask a question about the underlined words:

1- He went to the office.
2- There are two kinds of water.
3- Caves were covered with leaves.
4- She lives in Makkah.
5- Ali has lived in London for six years.
6- Layla has three sisters.

Unit : 1 Lesson: 4

atomic lake
bore-hole mention
crop = harvest power station
cultivation precious = valuable
dam rainwater
dish = plate remote = far away
downhill reservoir
drain = leak underneath
drop variety

unfortunately # fortunately
dry # wet
fresh # salty
heavy # light
increase # decrease

 Fill in the spaces:

1- Sugar has always been an important …………….. in the island.
2- Do not waste time! It is ……………………
3- They went swimming in the…………….
4- Water has a ………………….. of uses.

U:1 L:4

Paragraph 1:
1- What is the fraction:
a) Three-quarters =…………
b) Four-fifths = ………….
2- Complete :
a / Tiny means ………………
3- Can we drink oceans water ? Why?

Paragraph 2 :
1- What are the different sources of drinking water ?
2- Put  or  :
a / Prevent means to stop. •
b / The largest source of fresh water is Antarctica. •

Paragraph 3 :
1- How much water is used for cooking and drinking ?
2- Complete :
a / UK………………………
. 3- Give two examples of using water in industry?


1- Which ocean is the largest ?
2- Why is 90% of all fresh water unusable ?

Unit : 1 Lesson: 5

average lie (irreg : lay / lain )
demand lie (reg : lied / lied )
even mistake
fraction rest
go back = return source
lain unusable # usable

 Match words in (A) with the right definition in (B) :
( A ) ( B )
1- source ( ) say something false
2- go back ( ) return
3- unusable ( ) origin
( ) can not be used
 Fill in the spaces:

1- They use an ………………..of 4 kilos of water per day.
2- It was cold there .......................... in summer.
3- You study ........................... in mathematics.
4- Say the truth. Do not ....................... to me!
5- You must try to learn from your ...............................
6- What is their main ............................... of income.
7- He will ................................... to his country tomorrow.
8- How would you like to spend the ......................... of the day ?

Unit : 1 Lesson: 6

Yes /No Questions

 Ask a Yes/No question:

1- They slept early.
2- Umar is the head of the team.
3- Khaled bin Al-Waleed was a great Muslim leader.
4- Water goes back to the sea.
5- We can drink fresh water.
6- He had shaved his head.

U:1 L:6


 Ask a question about the underlined words:

1- He listens to the radio.
2- The book has been written.
3- Fahd bought a new car.
4- We use water for drinking.
………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………… ………………………………………………….
5- The farmer works in the field.

6- The doctor helps the patient.

Unit : 1 Lesson: 7

 Punctuate the following paragraph:

it was sunday i never get up early on sundays last sunday i got up very late i
looked out of the window it was dark outside it was 1 p m then the telephone
rang it was my aunt huda
she lives in london she had visited many countries such as italy spain and germany i am so happy that my aunt is coming to visit me


Unit : 1 Lesson: 8

 Write 2 paragraphs using the information in the following table:


Importance - secret of life : can not live without it.
- two types: fresh and salty
- three-quarters
Sources - different sources : seas, oceans , rivers , lakes ,oases
- 90 % of fresh water is in the Antarctica
-unusable : remote , the form of ice
Uses - drinking , washing , cooking , irrigation, in industry.


Additional Information

Question Words

Q.W. Use: to ask about
Who….? Person
What ….? Thing
Where….? Place
When….? Time
Why….? Reason
How…? Manner
How much…? Quantity
How many…? Number
How long…? Length of time
Which….? Choosing
Whose….? Possession

آخر مواضيعي

  رد مع اقتباس
إضافة رد

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
للبنات فقط ضروري اعشقهه مواضيع عامة - مواضيع ثقافيه - مواضيع منوعه 2 25 - 10 - 2012 04:05 PM
ادخلي وجاوبي ع الاسئلة غريبة في دنيــا عجيبة.. العاب - مسابقات - ترفية - العاب بنات - العاب منوعه 0 29 - 6 - 2012 06:52 PM
ضروري ادخلوا الجورري عالم حواء - العناية بالبشره - رشاقتك - شعرك - تبييض البشره 1 1 - 2 - 2012 02:56 AM
اطردوني من منتديات خجلي اذا حليتم الاسئلة عآشقة نكت - ضحك - الغاز - وناسة - فرفشة - مواقف مضحكه 5 14 - 12 - 2011 08:05 PM

الساعة الآن 02:09 PM.

المواضيع المكتوبة في منتديات خجلي لاتعبر بالضرورة عن رأي الإدارة وإنما تعبر عن وجهة نظر كاتبها

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